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LPI applauds UN organization report providing recommendations on FOSS for national policy makers

LPI Applauds UN Organization Report

(Sacramento, CA, USA: November 29, 2012) The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world's premier Linux certification organization (, applauds the release of the flagship report "The Information Economy Report 2012: The Software Industry and Developing Countries" by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The report provides specific recommendations on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for national policy makers and includes two examples of the value of LPI's training and certification programs for ICT development.

Linux brings over €10 million savings for Munich

From: The H-Open

Over €10 million (approximately £8 million or $12.8 million) has been saved by the city of Munich, thanks to its development and use of the city's own Linux platform. The calculation of savings follows a question by the city council's independent Free Voters (Freie Wähler) group, which led to Munich's municipal LiMux project presenting a comparative budget calculation at the meeting of the city council's IT committee on Wednesday. The calculation compares the current overall cost of the LiMux migration with that of two technologically equivalent Windows scenarios: Windows with Microsoft Office and Windows with OpenOffice. Reportedly, savings amount to over €10 million.

Top Business Intelligence Software for Linux

Top Business Intelligence Software for Linux

Business intelligence tools comprise the important software that helps in the strategic planning process of a corporation. Using them, you can gather, store, access, and analyze corporate data. The data collected by corporations are huge and to keep track of them, you need business intelligence software. You can use these tools in customer profiling, customer support, market research, product profitability, market segmentation, statistical analysis, and more.

On Linux too, you’ll find a wide variety of such business intelligence software that will help you and your business manage such arduous tasks. If you’re looking for the best business intelligence software, you should find this list useful: (for the full article see:

Announcement: OpenMRS 2012 Implementers Meeting, 9-12 Oct 2012 at the Y.C. James Yen Center in the Philippines

The Philippines will host the OpenMRS 2012 Implementers Meeting on Oct 9-12, 2012. The following is an announcement from the OpenMRS Events team:

Hi Everyone!

We are pleased to announce that the 2012 Implementers Meeting will take place from 9-12 October at the Y.C. James Yen Center in the Philippines. If you plan to attend, please save the dates to your calendar.

Next LPI Exam Lab Schedule: April 2013 & September 2013

Per discussion with LPI APAC, we're planning to hold regular LPI Exam Labs (paper-based exams) every April and September (during the annual Youth for IT Congress). We're also looking into the possibility of holding also in Southern (Davao) or Central Philippines (Cebu). So visit the IOSN ASEAN+3 website regularly for updates.

Update 2.0 (09-09-2012): LPI Paper-based Certification Exam during the 10th Y4IT Sept 12, 2012

Update 2.0 (09-09-2012): LPI APAC will be bringing extra exam packs, so walk in examinees will be accepted on a first come first serve basis while the number of exam lasts. Please come atleast 30 minutes before the exam or 8am if your taking LPI 101, 201, 301 (8:30am-10am slot) or 10am if your taking LPI 102, 202, 30x (10:30am to 12nn slot). Reminder: Bring valid ID, LPI ID no. pencil & eraser.
see more info below:

ANNOUNCEMENT: LPI Paper-based Certification Exam during the 10th Y4IT Sept 2012

Update 1.0 (08-21-2012): LPI Paper-based Certification Exam during the 10th Y4IT Sept 2012

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) and the International Open Source Network (IOSN) ASEAN +3 in cooperation with the UP IT Development Center (UP ITDC, formerly UP ITTC) will be holding LPI Paper-Based Certification Exams on Sept 12, 2012 at the UP ITDC, 2/F Vidal A. Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St., University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, both for Level 1 (LPI 101 & 102) and Level 2 (LPI 201 & 202) LPI Certifications. Level 3 Certification Exam will be included if there are takers.

This exam event is being held as part of the 10th Philippine Youth Congress in Information Technology also known as Y4IT.

Since this will be a paper-based exam, the exam cost will be much lower than the usual cost of taking computer-based or online exams. This is to give opportunities for those who can not afford the high cost of computer-based exams.


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